Sophia holding new Bluetooth thermometer
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Trying out the new Bluetooth thermometer: Sophia's Story

Sophia holding new Bluetooth thermometer

Written by Sophia


Sophia Panella is an online coach and personal trainer based in Reno, Nevada. She’s passionate about encouraging and empowering women through health and wellness in all aspects of life.
My name is Sophia, I’m an online coach and personal trainer, and I have been using Natural Cycles to help prevent pregnancy for over two and a half years. To say it changed my life is an understatement! Today I’m going to talk about the brand new Bluetooth thermometer that’s now available to use with the app and how Natural Cycles can help you on your hormone-free journey too!

Disclaimer: This is one Natural Cycles user’s experience. Everyone's experience is different and we encourage you to talk to your healthcare provider when considering switching birth control

My journey of self-discovery 

In November of 2020, I made the decision to get off of hormonal birth control due to numerous unexplained health issues I had non-stop for years. I was exhausted, defeated, and helpless. That is until I stumbled upon Natural Cycles. 

I quickly fell in love with the journey of finally getting to know my body off of hormonal birth control, and I owe all of that to NC° for making the shift seamless. From being able to log almost every emotional and physical change in the app, to all the educational articles at my fingertips, Natural Cycles has taught me more about my body and my cycle than any education I’d had before. 

Getting my hands on the new thermometer

When I heard that NC° was finally releasing a Bluetooth thermometer with a backlight and a choice of no beeping for all those early morning wake-ups, I was so excited! Finding a company that listens is everything - NC° heard all our comments about needing an upgraded thermometer and took action. 

My mornings just became even more seamless with the option of a Bluetooth thermometer, automatically syncing my basal temperature instead of having to log it myself. All you have to do is grab the thermometer, pop it into your mouth, and within a few seconds your temp will appear right in the app for you to save and check your daily fertility status. 

The new Bluetooth thermometer is also completely reimagined with a brand-new design and comes with its own fitted case, making it a little more discreet to travel with!

Ready to join the journey?

I am so grateful for Natural Cycles and everything this birth control has done for me. Taking my fertility and reproductive health into my own hands has been the most empowering experience. 

I cannot wait for you to get your hands on the new Bluetooth thermometer and discover all Natural Cycles has to offer too. Use my referral link for 20% off an annual Natural Cycles subscription plus a free thermometer and get started today! 

Huge thanks to Sophia for sharing her experience using Natural Cycles with our new Bluetooth thermometer! Ready to go hormone-free? Get started with Natural Cycles today!

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