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Our 5 favorite features of the new Cycle Insights

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Written by Christine Indrehus

Christine Indrehus

Christine Indrehus is a professional writer with more than a decade of experience writing on health topics ranging from nutrition to yoga and the nervous system. As an avid learner and educator, she is passionate about empowering readers to take charge of their health by making complex information accessible to wider audiences. Christine holds a Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience from Brown University and a Master of Music from Lund University.

Part of our mission at Natural Cycles is to empower you to take charge of your health. If you’ve been using the app for a while, you’ve probably seen that there’s a lot of cycle data in there, and we wanted to make it even easier for you to know what you should do with it. After gathering user feedback, we set out to provide personalized, relevant, and actionable insights that are easy to understand.

That’s why we recently did a major update to Cycle Insights, adding some of our most requested functionalities. With the release of the Cycle Insights update, here are some of the newest features you can find in the app:

1. Cycle Report

How many times has your doctor asked when your last period started? Only every time, right? That’s because your cycle data can be an important indicator of reproductive and overall health. On top of this, if you’re trying to discuss some troubling symptoms or have questions about something you’ve been experiencing, it can be hard to remember everything AND accurately convey what you’ve been going through to your doctor. 

That’s why we created the Cycle Report. It’s a PDF document that you can export directly from the app to share with your healthcare provider, compiling data — including symptoms and other trackers — from your last six cycles.

Whether you’ve noticed the occasional cycle irregularity or have more severe symptoms, we hope this document can be a helpful tool so you can have the right conversations with your healthcare provider.

2. Cycle history — with trackers!

Do those breakouts happen at the same time each month or are they random? Is there a logic to which days you feel the most outgoing and confident? Our aim is to remove the guesswork.

Now you can see your past cycles stacked on top of each other in History — and you can toggle your trackers on and off to easily compare and spot patterns. The better you understand what changes during your cycle, the better you can ride the wave of hormones and plan ahead to optimize your well-being.

Natural Cycles cycle insights feature showing the statistics, history and trends screens

3. Alerts for irregularities

There are a lot of things that happen with our bodies that can leave us wondering, “Is this normal?” When it comes to reproductive health, a wide range of things are considered medically normal. And yet, it’s important to know when something might need your attention. 

The Natural Cycles app will now alert you if your key cycle metrics fall outside the medical norms (as defined by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, ACOG). One-time occurrences are labeled as atypical. If something is atypical for a longer period of time and becomes a pattern, then you’ll get an irregular alert to let you know you might want to talk to your doctor about it (if you haven’t already). This is a great time to have your Cycle Report handy.

4. Optimize your well-being by cycle phase

We don’t believe that your menstrual cycle is something you should have to suffer through. Each phase of your cycle is inherently different as your hormone levels naturally change. You can optimize your well-being by learning how to lean into your unique strengths in each phase — that also includes rest and recovery at times!

On the Today page, you’ll always see a cycle facts card below your fertility status telling you a bit about the current phase. We’ve expanded these cards to give you more useful information at a glance. 

Further down on Today, there’s also a button to go more in-depth about whichever phase you’re in. There, you’ll find out what’s happening with your hormones and what you can do in terms of nutrition, exercise, rest, and productivity to make the most of this time. 

5. Trends

The longer you’ve been using Natural Cycles, the more data you have at your fingertips. After listening to lots of user feedback, we updated the Trends view to make it easier to compare your long-term cycle data and see the bigger picture. You can observe patterns in your average stats over months and even years, to notice if and how your key cycle metrics change. Prepare to get nerdy 🤓.

Thanks for reading! 

If this inspired you to share ideas for new features you’d like to see, you can now suggest them directly in the app: Go to the main menu > Help Center > Give feedback to tell us what you think. 

We’re always excited to continually improve the app for you, so watch this space for more exciting updates coming your way in 2025.

Haven’t signed up yet? At Natural Cycles, we’re committed to supporting your fertility journey — whether you’re preventing, planning, following, or recovering after pregnancy. We want to make sure you have the knowledge you need about your reproductive health to make informed decisions that are right for you. If you’re interested in demystifying your fertility journey with the first and only FDA Cleared birth control app, sign up for Natural Cycles today!

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